2. Seeing that person you have literally met 5 times and have classes
with, yet still do not remember their name. I seriously have the worst
memory ever.
3. Pasta, potatoes, pasta, potatoes repeated at every meal. Tonight's
dinner even featured them together. Past voyagers were not joking when
they called the weight you gain the "SAS 15".
4. Our obsession with soy butter. We use it on everything. I even got
innovative enough to begin using it as icing on the shanty deserts. Such
a strange phenomenon.
5. Napping. We nap between classes. We nap when we're bored. We nap when
we lay out. Basically when there is no sort of entertainment on the ship
napping becomes a wonderful hobby between ports.
6. Rumor has it there's already an SAS baby on the way….tisk tisk ladies
and gentlemen! (Just for fun information and because I'm bored, there
were 7 SAS babies after a previous voyage. Boredom at a whole other level.)
7. The sun hates me, but seriously. I'm pretty sure I am expected to
return home after 3 ½ months of tan time with a pretty awesome tan. Hate
to burst my own bubble, but it's just not happening. I think rain
follows me. I literally cannot lie out for more than an hour without a
mild hurricane coming our direction.
Okay that's enough complaining for now. I'm actually enjoying myself for
the most part, it just feels good to be a brat and complain
sometimes…besides what else is there to do when you're on a ship for 9
days straight and beginning to get a tad Closter phobic.
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